The 40th episode of the Turkish TV series "Yargi" tells how Ilgaz began to make attempts to save his beloved Jaylin. At this moment, Jaylin is making every effort to fight for her life and those people who are with her. Soon there is another person in the room, and they are well acquainted with Jaylin. It was Burak and Jaylin hopes to see him as an ally. The mysterious enemy is getting much closer and all thanks to the clues that continue to come. Yekta is working hard to restore his reputation, and he has prepared a grand plan that will be able to surprise each of the heroes. The team is trying to find new evidence that would somehow help to identify the killer. Ilgaz is informed that Burak Yildirim was under their supervision day and night. And there are suspicions that this person may be the killer. Ilgaz immediately went to Eren and told him to gather his people as they would go to the mansion. Everyone should be attentive and careful, as they will need to enter very quietly. During this operation, no one will have to suffer. Metin sympathizes with Gul and understands what she is going through now. But their children are married and they need to at least try to learn how to be a family. Gul said that her family consists of two daughters and one granddaughter. On this, they don’t need everything and others ...