Super Riki / Drama / 💖Yargı english subtitles

Yargı episode 15 english subtitles

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The 15th series of the Turkish series "Yargi" will tell about how his father tells his son that he violates the law, being close to Jailin. But Ilgaz cannot leave Jailein one by bars and especially in such a terrible state. Ilgazu was reported that bullets and a gun with Jailin prints were found in the forest. In addition, jailing was detected on the hands of Jailin. Energin was killed and all suspicions fell on Jailin, so she was detained. Ilgaz is always next to Jailin and he wants to save her from all kinds of troubles that have become so suddenly falling on her head. He does not doubt that together they will definitely find a way to get out of this unpleasant situation. Jailein was in a shock, but when she came to feelings, she believed in her own innocence. Gradually, it begins to remember everything, thanks to which the whole picture is. Ilgaz took Jailein to his office and told Parsu, which takes responsibility. Ilgaz says Jailein that they will prove her innocence. But many are dissatisfied with how Ilgaz arrives. Now he is trying to protect his wife, and the rest leads for his nose. Jailein loses hope that still be able to work out in her direction. Ilgaz asked her not to worry, because he is near and admits Jailein in love ...
