Incir Agaci (Fig tree)
1-3 series
Year: 2019
Genre: Drama
Actors: Arif Nazım, Ozlem Gyuveli, Yilmaz Djeylan, Burakhan Yilmaz, Cedar, Damaris, Faruk Paquito edje Bali, Eileen Kılınçarslan, Murat Demirkıranlardan Enzel Damla, semen, Tombak Pekgyoz ambitions, Bertha, Bouquet Djingyoz, Fatih Hyurkan
Ojak family. This family lives in Istanbul in the 1970s. Cemal Ojak is trying to feed his family working in a car repair shop. He has a wife and four children. Despite the fact that his wife Neriman directs her children in the wrong direction, dreaming of a better life, at the same time she supports her husband in everything. For Jemal, family is everything. But from the fact that each of the children has his own dreams and goes the wrong way, family problems will worsen. While the Ojak family will struggle with various problems, the master Jemal, despite all the problems of his children, is trying to keep the family together and protect his children. As a legacy, he wants to leave his honor to the children.

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Update: 3/01/2020
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