Super Riki / Drama / 💖Elkızı english subtitles

Elkızı episode 11 english subtitles

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The 11 series of the Turkish series "Elkızı" will tell about how many guests gathered at Ezo's wedding and Haruna. Ezo began to begging Nermin so that she talked to her son and the girl is ready to give them so much money as it takes. Nermina did it, but in recent days, her son has changed very much. Now Nermina is only one request to Ezo, so that she does not touch him. So it will be better for her good. The room entered Harun and began to establish certain rules in front of ESO, which she should always stick with this day. Despite all the tears and requests of Ezo, he intends, by all means marry her. Ezo was forced to marry Harun and she is very unhappy. Javidan told Zelich that one of her daughters was in the grave. And the other at the moment went, dig a grave. Now the zelikha of both daughters can be considered dead. Ezo will never be able to love Haruna and he will not be able under any circumstances to get her heart. Harun on an increased tone said Ezo that she learns him not only to love, but also respect. Ezo Looking into the eyes of this man stated that he hates him more than his life. But Harun knows perfectly well that great love always begins with hatred. Javane reported that the changeability of her daughter-in-law is completely proved ...
