Super Riki / Drama / 💖Yargı english subtitles

Yargı episode 7 english subtitles

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The 7th episode of the Turkish TV series "Yargi" will tell about how Ilgaz is being told the wonderful news that they have found an alibi for Chinar. Indeed, at the time of the murder, he was in a different place. Jaylene took the evidence to Pars, and Chinar was released. The family greeted him with great impatience. When Zafer found out that Chinar was released, he was shocked. Zafer cannot forgive Jaylene for her act and told her family not to let her into this house. The offender was free and all because of Jaylene. Jaylene and Ilgaz got married. This was done in order to save Jaylene from Pars's accusations. When Pars found out about this, he was furious. The newlyweds proudly joined hands and appeared in front of everyone in the role of spouses. Pars's plan to sue Jaylene and remove him from the legal profession failed. Whatever Pars undertakes, he always loses to Ilgaz in everything. Zafer cannot come to terms with the fact that the killer of his daughter is roaming free, as if nothing had happened. He decides to take justice into his own hands. He attacked Chinar with a pistol and was going to kill him. A fight broke out between them, and the guy asked Zafer to stop. Zafer intends to see it through to the end and soon a shot is fired ...
