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Kefaret (Atonement) episode 24 english subtitles

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In episode 24 of the Turkish TV series Kefaret, Arzu began looking for a new way to make money. Meltem at this moment steps on the threshold of a completely new life. But for this she makes an interesting and rather unusual deal with the Alps. But Alp began to ask Meltem if she wanted to create a real relationship with him? He wants to make her really happy and Meltem really deserves it. Exactly one year has passed since Sude found a family and became truly happy. But suddenly a girl appeared and announced that she was her own cousin. She turned out to be the only relative of the Court and all this can affect the further fate of the girl. This whole situation does not have the best effect on Zeynep. But Sinan asks her to calm down and pull herself together, since they don't need extra scandals now. They should be calm in such a situation and think carefully about what to do next. But for Zeynep, these words have no meaning, and if necessary, she will be ready to burn the whole world. The wedding of Zeynep and Sinan took place at which the people closest to them gathered ...
