Super Riki / Drama / 💖Kefaret (Atonement) english subtitles

Kefaret (Atonement) episode 23 english subtitles

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In the 23rd episode of the Turkish TV series "Kefaret", Zeynep and Munevver were kidnapped and Sinan, along with Emre, immediately went in search of them. Nisa began to demand a ransom for the lives of the hostages. But Zeynep left traces behind her, and Sinan began to follow them and very soon found himself at the goal. Nisa learns that their location has been established. Then she took the money provided by Sinan and the hostages and disappeared with them. Sinan starts appraising his property as a last resort. When Mnivver found out about this, she was shocked. But in the end, the situation ended well and Sinan was reunited with his beloved. When Sinan and Zeynep were walking at a wedding event, they first managed to dance a wedding dance. Zeynem met with Ahmet and she was very angry with him. After all, while he continues to have feelings for Azra, their child is in great danger. Sooner or later, she will want to get close to the girl again. But Akhmet reassured Zeynep and said that if Azra tried to touch her daughter again, he would kill her with his own hands. The more he will not be able to close his eyes to her crazy actions, especially after the latest events ...
