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Kefaret (Atonement) episode 25 english subtitles

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In the 25th episode of the Turkish TV series "Kefaret", Sinan and Zeynep try to enjoy their honeymoon, but they can not do it, as some problems constantly arise. Arzu is not going to just retreat, and in order to see Elif, she takes a big risk. The girl is very worried that they will have to live in constant fear because of this woman. Elif is afraid that Arzu will be able to reappear in her life and will want to kidnap, and then take away somewhere far away. Zeynep was very angry with Ahmed, because she entrusted the children to him and Arzu was there. But Ahmed told Zeynep that he was dangerous and that they needed him. Munevver begins to realize that she no longer wants to be with Kadir under the same roof. She came to Zeynep and Sinan to ask them for help. She needs a good and professional lawyer so that he can divorce her from Kadir with lightning speed. Zeynep is already so tired that she wants simple peace of mind. Alp decided to introduce Meltem to his loved ones, and he wants their relationship to be real. A woman appeared who claims that she is a relative of the Court. She begins to take such steps to separate Zeynep and Souda ...
