Super Riki / Comedy / 💖TozluYaka english subtitles

TozluYaka episode 7 english subtitles

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The 7th episode of the Turkish TV series TozluYaka will tell about how it was not possible to unravel the identity of the person who brought Ali and Burke together. But gradually relations between them began to improve and the ice gradually melts. Despite the fact that this relationship began with a serious quarrel. Kenan and Onder cooperate and they give a task so that everyone can get to know each other better. At the same time, this task was not mandatory, but all students decided how to complete it. Kenan learned that he had another son. It turned out to be Ali and now Kenan is not going to refuse him. Kenan will try to do everything to get closer to his newfound son. He told Derya about this and she did not like it at all. She replied that Ali was brought up by such a person that Kenan should not even compete with his mistakes. As a result, a war may begin between them, which will lead to the most unforeseen consequences. Onder told Derya that Vefa had been killed and not only was the killer still at large, it was someone from the college. All the evidence points to Cemre and the youth begin to lose doubts about this. Now everyone sets a goal to prove it, but it will not be easy to achieve this goal either. Ali warned Burke that if he was in this story with his friends in front of them, then this would make them even more pleasant. The killer makes a serious mistake, but who will be able to notice it first?
