Super Riki / Drama / 💖Omer english subtitles

Omer episode 1 english subtitles

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Episode 1 of the Turkish TV series Omer tells about the difficult life of a young muezzin, whose father, Reshat, was a mentor in the mosque. A man, like any other father, dreamed that his son would grow up well-mannered and happy. Therefore, he had already foreseen the life of Omer and how exactly it should develop. Omer lived a completely ordinary life all this time, but everything turned upside down at the moment when fate brought him together with one amazing and very beautiful woman. There is one child who is a student of Omer. He has a mother named Gamze. He began to understand that he had strong feelings for this woman and could no longer hide it. Then he approached his father and said that he liked this woman very much. The father replied that his son was simply weak, like his soul. At this moment, Gamza has to justify herself to everyone that she herself personally made the decision to divorce. Everyone is responsible for their own mistake. She asks that they stop blaming everything on her. They will decide against the relationship between Omer and Gamze, since she was much older than him and, on top of everything else, is still a widow with a child. He, like this woman, simply succumbs to temptation and eventually faces his weakness. Gamza would very much like everything in life to be not as it seems, but as you think ...
