Super Riki / Drama / 💖DarmaDuman english subtitles

DarmaDuman episode 4 english subtitles

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The 4th episode of the Turkish TV series DarmaDuman tells how Ece told Evren that football can be a very good game for tough girls. But only for delicate men, this is not at all suitable. Harun believes that he needs to change or change something in himself in order to really get used to this city. But only he is very afraid of it. Belize approached her husband and looking into his eyes said that she was not afraid of anything at all. Kerem stopped Derin and reminded her that since yesterday she promised to tell him everything. He wants to hear what he needs from her. But Derin would tell everything if she saw that Kerem really cares. She sees that he has absolutely nothing to do with this. Derin told Kerem that it is even more of a problem when a good father is a bad father. Evren was once again convinced that it was not in vain that he called Ece a slob. After she changed clothes, Evren decided to personally bring Ece at least a little in order. Harun witnessed how Asaf speaks with his children in a raised tone and he did not like it very much. He told Asaf that it was not his business to ask the children where they were at such a time. Evren told Kerem that since he dared, he would take part in this matter. He believes that at least once it will be possible to break the law ...
