Super Riki / Drama / 💖Ferhat and Shirin english subtitles

Ferhat and Shirin episode 6 english subtitles

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In the 6th episode of the Turkish TV series "Ferhat and Shirin", each time Ferhat gets closer to his most important goal. There is very little time left until he reaches it and achieves what he wants. Shirin can't find one thing in any way and then she decides to look at it in her sister's office. She hopes that she will find what she wants there. This thing was already in the hands of Ferhat, and when he called Shirin, she was very scared, because she was not ready for such a meeting. At this moment, Jemal comes to Ban to do one little business that Ferhat asked him about. Banu herself does not even suspect that a very insidious game was started with her. Shirin decided to tell her sister Banu about her search. When she saw a photograph of Ferhat with her family, she was initially very surprised, but then decided to find out everything herself. Banu gives the order for her people to properly teach Ferhat a lesson. After Ferhat was beaten very badly, Banu came to him and decided to have a serious talk. She wants to find out everything from him and for him to tell about what he is so carefully hiding. It is not known what goals Banu has now set for herself and why does she need Ferhat?
