Super Riki / Drama / 💖Elkızı english subtitles

Elkızı episode 1 english subtitles

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In episode 1 of the Turkish TV series "Elkızı", Ezo's life from an early age did not develop in the best way. She lost her parents and became a complete orphan. The girl never knew love and affection. When she grew up, she managed to meet a good man, and great love immediately broke out between them. The romantic relationship of the couple in love did not last long, and soon Ezo got married. She hoped that she would finally be able to find what she so badly lacked all these years. The husband worked a lot and was practically not at home, and Ezo was forced to constantly be with her domineering mother-in-law, who immediately disliked her. The woman was accustomed to the fact that her son was always at her side, and she was not going to let him go. Very often she would tell false stories about Ezo to her son and slander her. The man listened to his mother's words and trusted her completely. Gradually, the relationship between the spouses began to deteriorate and, it would seem, nothing remains of the old feelings. Only now Ezo is not going to just give up, and she intends to fight for her happiness to the bitter end. She decides to confront her mother-in-law and wants to take revenge on this woman for trying to ruin her whole life ...
