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Hercai episode 68 english subtitles

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In the 68th episode of the Turkish TV series "Hercai", Fusun began to gather her people in order to take Azra. Jihan and Aziza vowed revenge and in order to lure Fusun into a trap, they began to use her daughter. She hid somewhere and no one knows exactly where Fusun is now. Reyan didn't want Miran to get blood on his hands, and so she decided to interfere with his plans. Miran wanted to kill Fusun, but he gave his word to his beloved. Fusun was soon arrested and charged with the murder of the Khazar. Miran feels all his strength in Reyan, and he considers her to be the woman who knows perfectly well what to fight for. Every day his love for her only grows stronger. Miran decided to make a gift for his beloved and bought her a beautiful car. He offers Reyan to take their son and go together to uncharted land, where they could start building their lives from scratch. But Reyan doesn't want to leave this place at all. After all, here she experienced a pregnancy, experienced experiences and a variety of fears. Here she lived her happiness. But the most important thing is that this mansion has the voice of the Pope. Reyan would very much like his and Miran's son to grow up and be brought up in this place ...
