Super Riki / Drama / 💖Hercai english subtitles

Hercai episode 67 english subtitles

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In the 67th episode of the Turkish TV series "Hercai", Reyan and Miran had to go through a lot of losses lately. Reyan feels completely broken. First, her father left, then Umut, but even on this, troubles do not cease to fall on her head. Reyan is on the verge of a nervous breakdown and this time she took out all her anger on Aziz and chased her away. Miran came to Fusun and told her that she owes him two lives. Fusun does not feel any fear of Miran and she is even ready to return his son to him, but only on one condition. Miran will have to make sure that everyone considers Jihan to be the killer of the Khazar. Now Miran must decide whether they will agree or will continue to fight in this way. With Miran's help, Fusun hopes to get out of this business with clean hands. After all, Azize will never leave the murderer of her son alive and she will do everything to avenge the death of her child. Reyan believes that once their son was born, Miran changed a lot and now his eyes are filled with a thirst for revenge. Reyan told Miran that a man she knew would turn the whole earth, but give her her son back to her. But Miran became different only because of the death of his father and he cannot pretend that nothing happened ...
