Super Riki / Drama / 💖Akinci english subtitles

Akinci episode 2 english subtitles

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In the 2nd episode of the Turkish TV series "Akinci", Cevdet Emiroglu intends to return to himself everything that was taken from him, and will not turn from this path until he reaches the desired goal. He is informed that such a plan of action is being prepared for the Attacker that he, along with his name, will become history and disappear forever. Fatih was very surprised when he learned that a reporter named Nergiz Emiroglu had become the tenant of their apartment. He believes that such a circumstance may not lead to the best consequences. After all, this girl was fixated on the Striker and is trying to find out his identity. There was a completely armed attack on the ship by a group of terrorists, and all the passengers were taken prisoner. Orkhan immediately called Fatih and informed him that there was a terrorist attack, they need to act immediately. Fatih immediately set out to rescue civilians. Orhan tells Fatih what they have been looking for for many years, and sometimes they had to fall from fatigue or were lost in hopelessness. Despite this, they never backed down and were not going to give up. And now there is very little left, how Orhan and Fatih will be able to get on the trail of the one who is to blame for the death of Fatih's father ...
