Super Riki / Drama / 💖Akinci english subtitles

Akinci episode 1 english subtitles

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In episode 1 of the Turkish TV series "Akinci", when injustice flourishes on the streets of your hometown, you need to act. And if there is no hope for the police, then you need to take the situation into your own hands. Fatih works as a simple teacher at school and at first glance he is practically no different from his colleagues. By himself, this man was very just, but at the same time he notices that society has long forgotten what honor and conscience are. The cops have become tribute gatherers because they want to fill their pockets as much as possible. Corruption is rampant and for this reason criminals feel free and know that they will not receive the punishment they deserve for their atrocities. Fatih decides to intervene in this situation and he immediately takes action. When night falls, Fatih turns into a real superhero and helps everyone who is in trouble. He does not have a second half, as Fatih understands that not every girl will be able to put up with such a lifestyle. Any girl wants her beloved man to be always there and devote all her free time, which Fatih does not have. Once, Fatih opens up to one girl and to his surprise, she accepted him completely ...
