Super Riki / Drama / 💖Gonul dagi (The Mountain of Hearts) english subtitles

Gonul dagi (The Mountain of Hearts) episode 1 english subtitles

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1 Turkish TV series "Gonul dagi" will frankly reflect the steppe, as well as a series of lives of people who live in these unusual geographical conditions. People of oriental origin live here, they are very peaceful and friendly people. In the middle of the steppe there is a small town and it is here that the main characters live. There are values ​​in the soul of every legendary local resident, and they also strictly observe all the ancient traditions that have long been forgotten in big cities. Many, having matured, left their native lands and went to live in a metropolis. They hope to find at least some prospects and arrange their lives in the best possible way. Only in a foreign land they are not at all welcome and therefore they have to face various obstacles. People living in the steppe have to earn their living later, and love always lives in their hearts. In addition, they have to fight for their own lives for hope and dreams. Taner is a young guy and for a long time he worked with his cousins ​​on one unique invention. The guy dreamed of meeting a girl named Dilek, who was his first love and Taner could not forget her ...
