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Cocukluk (Childhood) episode 10 english subtitles

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In the 10th episode of the Turkish TV series "Cocukluk", Aishengul was very surprised when she saw Lale in the middle of the night. The woman called Zeyno and shouted to the whole block that she had come for her. Aishengul hastened to find out if everything is all right with her? Lale replied that she had come to pick up her daughter. Only now everyone noticed that Lale was very drunk, so much so that she could not even stand on her feet. Mahir said that Lale was abandoned by a man, and then she decided to abandon her daughter. But Mahiru does not like the fact that now this woman has begun to crawl to her child again, because in the end everything will be able to repeat itself. For the girl, this will be a big trauma, and this cannot be allowed. Mahir believes it would be best to contact Pinar as soon as possible and ask Zeyno to pick her up. But how can you tear a child away from his own mother and hand him over to other people? When these words began to be presented to Aishengul, she replied that Zeynep had a mother and the girl herself chose her and wanted her. She will have a wonderful family and a happy life. Still, Gulal believes that a family starts when people get married and give birth to a child and nothing else. You can't start a family with kids like Mavi and everyone else. These words very much hurt Aishengul and she asked Gulal not to insult her daughter and leave. Gulal replied that it was Aishengul who should take Mavi and disappear from their lives forever ...
