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Zümrüdüanka (Emerald phoenix) episode 23 english subtitles

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Voice acting: English
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In episode 23 of the Zumruduanka Turkish TV series, Azimet tried to do everything to separate Serhat from Zumrut. She said bad things about the girl and constantly tried to turn Serhat against her. Only Serhat and Zyumrut love each other very much, and therefore nothing can separate them. Now you just need to come to terms with the fact that this couple will not part and get used to their joint happiness. Only Azimet is not ready to just give up, and she will definitely achieve what she wants. She will make new plans in order to separate the lovers forever. Zyumryut most of all would like to give her beloved a child, but, unfortunately, she cannot do this. This reflects very badly on Zyumrut, but she is ready to endure everything for Serhat's sake. Serhat knows about this problem, and he understands that now he will need to turn to Azimet for help so that she can find a suitable surrogate mother for them. Serhat told Azimet that he and Zyumryut went to doctors and they were told that the most important thing is that they decide on this. Then Azimet, without thinking twice, immediately reminded about Denise. Now Serhat and Zyumrut will have to think carefully, are they really ready for such a step?
