In the 21st episode of the Turkish series "Zumruduanka", Serhat grieves the death of his daughter and he pointed a gun at Behram in order to find out where the killer of his child is. But Behram, although he understands what pain Serhat is experiencing, he is also a father and therefore will not give up his son. For a wife and mother, the biggest grief is the loss of a loved one. But it becomes even more painful when the killer is a person whom you know well and so often let into your house. Hamit died and this was a big blow for many heroes. When Serhat was wounded, he was immediately taken to the hospital. Soon he regained consciousness and saw next to him a man who was guilty of what had happened. Only Behram and this turned out to be very little, since he wants to get rid of the entire Serhat family. The man put pressure on Serhat's wound and began to ask if it hurt him? Behram believes that this is just the beginning and will hurt a lot for a very long time. He will not take the life of Serhat, but will take those who are considered the closest to him. Behram said that Serhat no longer has a family, and he will have to hammer it into his head once and for all. While Serhat is in the hospital, his relatives are in mortal danger ...