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Dogdugun Ev Kaderindir (Fateful house) episode 41 english subtitles

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In episode 41 of the Turkish TV series "Dogdugun Ev Kaderindir", Zeynep and Baris agreed that they would begin preparations for their wedding. Zeynep is very happy that she met such a person as Barysh on her way. Taryk sees that it is too difficult for Gulbin to act according to their plan. She cannot be close to Zeynep without envy and watch her luxurious life. Taryk suggested Gulbin to step aside and together with Nermin he would be able to solve the case. Nuh began to notice that Barysh has been behaving very strangely lately and is constantly thinking about something. Then he decided to ask him if everything is good in their relationship with Zeynep? Barysh immediately replied that he was not really okay. Zeynep herself wants to start preparing for the wedding as soon as possible, and then they will move with Barysh to their common house and wake up together on a happy morning. She shares her wonderful moments about the future with Gulbin, who said that they deserved it for a long time. Zeynep and Barysh are ready, but the same cannot be said about Sakina. After all, Zeynep had not yet had time to tell her anything. When Gulbin found out about this, she decided to use it to her advantage. She wants the people who made her suffer to experience everything for themselves ...
