In the 47th episode of the Turkish TV series "Mucize Doktor" Nazla was appointed to the post of chief assistant to Dr. Ferman. He handed her a notebook in which there are important notes, and they can help the girl in her endeavors. When Ali returned home and saw Ezo there, he was very happy. Ezo told Ali that she changed her mind about leaving and decided to stay. When Ali and Nazly met, the girl, for some reason, did not say anything to him. Ali does not understand what is happening and why Nazla had such a reaction. But he is told that this means only one thing, namely that Nazly began to grow out of the habit of Ali and forgets about them. This whole situation for Ali seems very confusing and incomprehensible. He would not want Nazly to really forget about him, because Ali still has feelings for her. But only Nazly can explain what is really happening to her. Then Ali decides to talk to her himself and find out everything, because this is the only way he can calm down. Nazly asked not to ask anything, but Ali was persistent. He asked her if Nazly began to forget Ali? A woman appeared in the hospital who knows about the state of this institution and she is going to buy it out ...