Super Riki / Drama / 💖Senden Daha Güzel (More beautiful than you) english subtitles

Senden Daha Güzel (More beautiful than you) episode 3 english subtitles

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The 3rd episode of the Turkish series “Senden Daha Güzel” will tell about how Efsun fell off a horse, and Emir was very scared for her. She said that she had dislocated her shoulder and was asking for Emir's help. When Emir and Efsun were alone again, he told her that she did not know a lot about him. But at the same time, he noted that for him Efsun is considered a very interesting woman. Efsun decides to bring Emir to clean water at all costs. She understands that Emir is hiding something from her and for this reason wants to get to the bottom of the truth. Efsun said that Emir would have to come to the operating room and there he would have to see something. Emir says that he conducted the operation with a secret filming. Efsun really hopes that it will be exactly as he promised. Or they will have to face serious troubles, and she will fall on his head in big trouble. Efsun told Emir that she would do everything and would definitely find a way to expose him. Efsun also does not hide the fact that she wants to send Emir out of the clinic, and she told him about it looking into his eyes. Each time, the passions between Emir and Efsun begin to heat up more and more ...
