Super Riki / Drama / 💖Elbet Bir Gün (Sure One Day) english subtitles

Elbet Bir Gün (Sure One Day) episode 1 english subtitles

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1 episode of the Turkish TV series "Elbet Bir Gün" will tell about how fate, after a long separation, brings two sisters together again, but this happens under tragic circumstances. Their childhood and youth were spent in a small Anatolian village, where life was quiet and measured. None of the local residents could even imagine that something shocking would happen in this rural place. When the builders decided to demolish one dilapidated and abandoned house, they found five buried bodies under the foundation. It immediately became clear that these people were victims of a criminal act. The news spread very quickly and the sisters found out about it as well. Under the circumstances, they had to part for many years, and during this time they became completely strangers to each other. Feride changed her name to Gizem and was able to find family happiness with a good man. She lives a carefree life and tried all these years not to remember her nightmare past. Now she will have to find her sister, so that together they figure out the death of their family. Gizem manages to find his sister, and she tries not to betray herself. But besides the fact that Gizem was looking for his sister, some were also looking for relatives who disappeared many years ago ...
