Super Riki / Drama / 💖Aziz english subtitles

Aziz episode 24 english subtitles

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The 24th episode of the Turkish series "Aziz" will tell about how the French confiscated all the property of Adem and he was not ready for this. Galip Paydar was taken under arrest. When the residents of the house found out about this, they were very surprised and immediately began to look for a way out of the situation. Relations between Aziz and Efsun only get worse each time, and everything leads to a break. Efnan told Aziz that he had left her all alone for the first time and these words were quite fair. Since they met, this has never happened before. She believes that he was by her side even when she did not know him yet. Efnan held on to Aziz all this time. Now, even if she is next to him, she does not feel the same support from Aziz as she did before. Aziz took such words from Efnan with a reproach in his direction. Dilruba turns to Efnan with a request that she help her leave the city and no one will have to know about it. At this moment, Aziz finds himself in the epicenter of dangerous events and gets involved in a game that could cost him his life. He came up with the perfect plan to prevent the elections from taking place. But he will have to make every effort to realize his plan. Aziz, in front of all those gathered on the square, announced that Galip Paydar should take his place ...
