Super Riki / Drama / 💖Kanunsuz Topraklar english subtitles

Kanunsuz Topraklar episode 2 english subtitles

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Episode 2 of the Turkish TV series "Kanunsuz Topraklar" will tell how Davut came to Malik in order to ask him for a car. Elif must be taken to the hospital as soon as possible. But Malik hit Davut and drove him out of his house. Elif could not get the help of doctors and died on the way to the city. After that, Malik for a lot of money agreed with Cholak that he would guard his mansion. Malik is afraid that Davut will come and try to kill him. Yavuz informed Cholak's people that Davat had been caught by the gendarmes and now Yavuz did not need their help. Davut entered the mansion and shot Malik. All this happened in front of Gulfem. She came to Davut's mother and said that if there is at least something human in her son, he will go and surrender to the gendarmes. The woman found the pistol and went to the gendarmes herself, saying that it was she who killed Malik. But Davut insists that it was he who killed Malik and there is a witness, namely the eldest daughter of Malik. When Gulfem was summoned for interrogation and asked if she had seen Davut on the night of the murder, the girl began to deny everything. The thing is that the evil deeds of Gulfem's father fell on her shoulders as a heavy burden. She simply could not admit Davut's guilt. Malik did not die, and he just miraculously managed to survive. Now he intends to get rid of Davut forever ...
