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Sadakatsiz episode 37 english subtitles

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The 37th episode of the Turkish TV series "Sadakatsiz" will tell about how many people gathered at the Bahar holiday, and when Volkan came, she was going to tell him something important. Asya came to this event with Aras, which made Volkan even more angry. When he was about to approach Asya, Derin suddenly got up from the wheelchair and told everyone that she could walk. Volkan was not very happy and with a grin on his face told Derin that he also had a surprise for her. He divorces her and said this to Volkan in front of everyone present. This statement came as a big surprise to her. The next day Derin went to Asya and told her that she should help her. Derin does not want to lose Volkan and Asya must make sure that they are together. After all, now in Asya's life there is another man, and she is very happy. Only Derin's marriage was on the verge of collapse. But Asya recalled that they are not in her life, and asked Derin to leave her house. When Volkan came to Asya, he began to express his displeasure with Aras. Asya wants to give a chance to the person she likes and Volkan should not interfere in her personal life in any way. Asya told Volkan not to cross the border just because she allows him to come to her house and communicates with her. Only Volkan, looking into Asie's eyes, said that he would never give up on her ...
