Super Riki / Drama / 💖Hercai english subtitles

Hercai episode 63 english subtitles

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In episode 63 of the Turkish TV series "Hercai", Nasuh came to the wedding of Reyan and Miran with Azize. But she did not want to appear in Khazar's eyes, and even more so to spoil the children's mood on such a day. Azize asked Reyan for all forgiveness and asked to give her a chance to fix everything. She came to this wedding not as Aziza, but as Aishe. Reyan forgave and hugged her. Firat tries to take steps to reconcile with Miran and regain his trust. Dilshach puts a lot of pressure on Reyan. She wants Reyan to abandon Miran so that he can marry Azra. She also believes that once Reyan leaves this world, Miran will still be with Azra. And Reyan will have to help reunite them. Reyan also aggravates the situation by calling Aziza a grandmother in front of everyone. Miran learns that Fusun is to blame for causing harm to Reyan's health. And it was because of her that she lost her child. This Miran is not going to get away with, and intends to make Fusun pay for everything. Reyan tries to stop Miran and says that the child should not be left without a father and mother. Despite the fact that Reyan tried to hide everything from Miran, now she decided to tell that she was sick and would die after giving birth ...
