Super Riki / Drama / 💖Camdaki Kiz english subtitles

Camdaki Kiz episode 25 english subtitles

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The 25th series of the Turkish TV series "Camdaki Kız" will tell about how Ferida is very worried because Naine does not respond to its calls. But she should talk to her with her eye, as it can not sleep well. Jana came to the house Adile and she is not going to leave until he sees it. Adil came out unnoticed from the house, but he began to look for Ferida and saw an open entrance door. Naine came home and Ferida said that he was a great honor to see her here. She was able to forget where she came from. Maybe Naine considered that the road would never lead her here? But whatever it does, she will never be able to leave here. Muso believes that happiness and misfortune is actually the same thing. A little more - happiness, and less - misfortune. Naine took Muso for the hand and said that if he could not get courage to something very important now, then he would regret it throughout his life. After all, then one part of it can always be defective or the missing. But he will always feel defective. When Naine and Sedat were in her bedroom, she asked to tell her that her husband really loves her ...
