Super Riki / Drama / 💖Evlilik Hakkında Her Şey (All About Marriage) english subtitles

Evlilik Hakkında Her Şey (All About Marriage) episode 19 english subtitles

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19 Series of the Turkish TV series "Evlilik Hakkında Her Şey" will tell about how azra and Günesh arrived at home and seemed to be abandoned. When they came inside the building, then quite soon there was another person and azra and sister were forced to defend themselves. Saneman penetrated the borsal house and there found a dossier to his mother and Erman. She also saw a photograph on which Bor was located next to Jyldrym. What I had to learn to Sanya, plunged it into a shock state. Bora vinit Cholpan and Erman in the fact that they destroyed all his life. Once he asked Yyldyryma to translate to Istanbul and get a lot into the company in Erman. And then Bohr will already come up with him to take revenge. When Jyldym met with Azra, she hugged her very tightly. She was surprised and does not understand what was happening with Jyldrym. He said that azra is his only truth and asks her never to forget about it. Azra and her relatives understand that they need to find a way to bring down to clean water. And azra already even understood how they could do it. Sanyan talked on the phone and, referring to a friend of the bors, said that she knew everything. The sister is obliged to learn about everything and will not be able to escape anyone ...
