Super Riki / Drama / 💖Akinci english subtitles

Akinci episode 7 english subtitles

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In the 7th episode of the Turkish TV series "Akinci" when Kemal was chasing Fatih, he got into a severe car accident. Fatih gave him first aid and then hurried to leave the scene. Now he is in the hospital and doctors are fighting with all their might for his life. Fatih tries to find out what Kemal is hiding. After Fatih got to his feet, he began to think even more about life. The attacker sent a letter to Nergiz and she immediately went to the place that he indicated. Here a gift was waiting for her. Nergiz was so glad that the Striker sent her a letter that she decided to share it with Fatih. Fatih himself pretended that he was surprised by such an event. Nergiz went to the grave of Khava's mother named Fatma. This little girl was from a country that can be called a real Hell and, together with her father, is fighting for her existence. With her little hands, this refugee laid stones on her mother's unmarked grave, and it is to her that Nergiz wants to devote his next reportage. Overnight, the child turned into an adult, and childhood for Khava remained only a happy memory. This time Fatih decided to take a very dangerous step, which put his own life in mortal danger ...
