Super Riki / Drama / 💖Masumlar Apartmani english subtitles

Masumlar Apartmani episode 33 english subtitles

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In episode 33 of the Turkish TV series "Masumlar Apartmani," Khan does not know what problem he needs to solve first. But soon he begins to notice the closeness between Inji and Barysh and this pisses him off. Hikmet told everyone that it is necessary to properly prepare for the matchmaking. When the family was assembled, they went to the Memduh house. Gulben and Neriman make their plans. While everyone was outside the house, Hikmet made such an act, because of which a serious crisis could arise. As a result, Khan has to make a radical decision. Safiye was on the verge of insanity and Khan had to confront his sister with a fact. Naji is ready to do whatever is necessary for the treatment, but only on one condition. Gulben handed the letter to Safiya and said that it was written by Naji. Only it first fell into the hands of Khan, and he tore it up and then threw it away. When Safiye read the letter, she learned from it that Naji was terminally ill. For her, this news was a great shock. At that moment, Han began to ask Inji if she would stay with him even if she was afraid of him?
