In the 27th episode of the Turkish TV series "Masumlar Apartmani," Safiye is very worried about the fact that they have no relationship with Naji. In fact, he had already abandoned her long ago, even when the Khan gave him the letter. And now, after talking with Khan, Naji is again going to leave Safiy and leave. This will continue forever, but only Safiye does not want to accept it. This time Safiye decided to stop Naji and Inji is ready to help her. It took Inji a long time to get Khan to seek help from a psychiatrist. She found a good doctor and was able to convince her lover. When Khan went to see the doctor, he began to talk about the fact that he was collecting garbage. Only his wife considers such an occupation disgusting. In addition, Khan knows very well that the outcome will then be the same. All will leave and only they will remain. The doctor wants to know who exactly is Han? Khan believes that he himself is the real Hell for himself. Safiye and Gulben begin to mock Inji. They believe that no one loves them, and only she can help them cope with this. It all seems unbearable to Inji. Safiye took out the dress their mother had worn when she was paralyzed. She will also die, like her mother, all alone ...