Kırmızı Oda (Red Room) episode 1 english subtitles
In the 1st episode of the Turkish TV series "Kırmızı Oda", new patients are admitted to the psychiatric clinic every day. They get into a special room, where they begin to talk about their problems and reveal secrets to doctors, who will have to choose the right treatment for them. One of the patients says that from a very early age she had to endure beatings. First, her father, who was a real tyrant, beat her, and now her husband is mocking the unfortunate woman. Another patient is experiencing a great tragedy, since his beloved wife died and now he feels lonely. He has lost all the meaning of life and does not know how to live on. One woman begins to talk about some kind of connection with terrestrial creatures. She says that very soon they will destroy the entire planet. The woman tries to tell about all this, but no one wants to listen to her and is perceived as a madwoman. Another patient came to the clinic, whom, in her opinion, her mother never loved. She can't understand how you can not love your own child? After all, if there is no love, then there was no need to give birth. A variety of people come to doctors, but they are united by the fact that everyone has a broken heart. When they begin to reveal their secrets, then the soul becomes much easier. For doctors, the most important thing is to see hope in the eyes of their patients after they entered the room with tears in their eyes ...