Super Riki / Comedy / 💖Sen Cal Kapimi (You Knock on My Door) english subtitles

Sen Cal Kapimi (You Knock on My Door) episode 46 english subtitles

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In episode 46 of the Turkish TV series "Sen Cal Kapimi" when Eda returned home, she saw a set table and candles everywhere. She felt that Serkan wanted to surprise her and prepared a romantic dinner. He spent all day with his daughter, but she still doesn't call him her father. Serkan found out that Eda's car had broken down and he suggested that they choose a good family car together. Eda and Serkan agreed not to lie to each other and to be honest it did them good. After Serkan returned, Burak spent less time with Kiraz. He wants to fix it, but Serkan honestly told him that he doesn't love him. Kiraz suffered from anaphylactic shock, and his relatives were very afraid for the girl. Serkan began to blame himself for everything, but Eda explained that this happens with small children, and she asks Serkan to just be there. Serkan promises Eda that now he will always be by their side, and together they will go through any difficult situations. My daughter drew a drawing in which she, her mom and dad were depicted, and also drew a brother next to her. Serkan is going to do what he wanted for a very long time, but before that he decided to ask Eda's permission ...
