Super Riki / Comedy / 💖Yarım Kalan Aşklar (Unfinished Love) english subtitles

Yarım Kalan Aşklar (Unfinished Love) episode 8 english subtitles

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In the 8th episode of the Turkish TV series "Unfinished Love", Kadir tells Elif that he does everything only for her. She is the only person who can trust him. She should not doubt him, and even more so in his actions, never. Elif learns that Ismet came to the wedding ceremony, and there was a bloody shootout. Elif doesn't understand what Ismet wants from Kadir. Does she know that Ismet is a very dangerous criminal leader and that he can be connected with Kadir? She is told that this guy slept with Ismet's woman and that he could not forgive or close his eyes to it. Ismet feels humiliated and overwhelmed with anger. Kadir was injured and immediately taken to hospital. The man is in serious condition and doctors are making every effort to save his life. If Ismet had not done this, then Mehmet himself killed Kadir at his own wedding. And all for the same reason, Kadir managed to sleep with Mehmet's fiancée, about which the girl herself admitted at the wedding. Elif is shocked that she had to hear such details from the life of Kadir, which until now she did not know. Kadir regained consciousness in the hospital, but does not remember what happened to him ...
