Super Riki / Action / 💖Destan english subtitles

Destan episode 7 english subtitles

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The 7th series of the Turkish TV series "Destan" will tell you how Kirchichki appeared before Alpaga Khan and reported that the paw of a double-headed wolf is accise. She provided this relevant arguments. After that, Alpagu Khan ordered to prepare his soldiers. They will not leave the stone on the stone in the mountain tribe and the more none of the head on the shoulders. First of all, the accise will die. But the acczye itself came to the Heavenly Palace and this time, together with the Kuhn ATU in order to heal Alpagu Khan. When Batuga saw accise, it was very surprised. He was angry with the accise for being disappointed. After all, he ordered her to leave this place and forget about him forever. Accyz reassured Batuga, because she has already started to forget it. But why did she come back then, if this is true? Accyz told Batuga that Balamir arranged a cunning trash. And all this was done in order to substitute the accise. Now she wants only one from Batuffa. He will have to give an order and then accise will kill the Balaumir. Then acciasis began to be interested, did Batuga be going to marry a girl who was going to poison his father? But the accise also tried to kill him. But Batuga is going to marry not at the accise and this is a big difference ...
