Super Riki / Action / 💖Destan english subtitles

Destan episode 3 english subtitles

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Episode 3 of the Turkish TV series "Destan" tells about how the struggle for power begins in the palace after what happened to Alpagu Khan. Batuga came to save Akkyz, but she continues to be stubborn. She knows very well that Batuga protected his father and therefore he still has not died, but continues to fight for his life. She doesn't understand how Batuga can protect this person? If he had not intervened, Akkyz would have avenged her father's death. Kam Kadyn appeared before the dark world and asked to accept their sacrifice. She begins to bargain for Khan's life. But Earley Khan did not accept this. Kam Kadyn said that blessed blood is needed. And this blood turned out to be Batugi. Temur Tegin is grateful to Akkyz for saving his brother's life. Akkyz found herself in the place that was to become her destiny. Cholpan-Khan is not going to give the mountain girls prisoner to the palace of the blood enemies of heaven. But it is not yet clear how they know that they shot at Alpaga-Khana mountain. Cholpan was seized and told that she would be convicted of hiding the one who shot at Alpaga Khan. If the girls portray Cholpan as a liar, then she will lose her head. Batuga continues to intercede for Akkyz and as soon as they try to harm her, he covers her ...
