The 33 Series of the Turkish TV series "Teşkilat" will tell about how Khalit came home to the defensed when she slept. He woke her, and the woman was frightened, but the khalite asked her not to worry. She asked Khalit to personally meet, because I wanted to talk about something important. The define took out a photograph of a little girl who found in Jyldryma. She believes that it may be his daughter. The girl was four or five years old. Gurjan called Pinerber and reported that Aivaz found a bug, which they set. At that moment she was with Chutin and he also talked on the phone with Aivaz. Chutin brought Pynark to some kind of building and it is very frightened. Gurjan is experiencing due to the fact that he cannot reach Pynar. Serdar, does not know what can happen to them this evening. Maybe Zehre sees it for the last time. Therefore, he wants to hear everything from her that has accumulated on the heart. As - in no way he will take it along with him in the grave. Zehre confessed to the midst that he loved him very much. Yildym is going to act immediately, as it believes that this game was very strongly delayed. All that they conceived, becomes true. But then everything will be more fun. The khalit gave an order to Zehre and Hell, so that they leave the building. At that moment, Jyldrym said that the day was approaching ...