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Teşkilat (The Organisation) episode 14 english subtitles

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You settled on: season 23, episode 14
Voice acting: English
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In the 14th episode of the Turkish TV series "Teşkilat", as soon as Fadi was brought to Turkey, he was immediately interrogated. Only from him it is not possible to get a single answer to the question. He is in no hurry to give any information about a carefully planned attack. Despite Fadi being captured, Operations continues to instruct Jeren. She will have to further translate into reality a grand plan of attack. A meeting was held at the headquarters, and the team began to evaluate all possible results. Everyone understands that Jeren's path is coming to a bad end. The team began to build a plan to capture Jeren and everyone else who had anything to do with her. It is also planned to capture her immediate superior. At that moment, terrorists came to the country in order to carry out a massive attack. They showed their explosive device on TV and plan to use it as soon as possible. But in order not to perish innocent residents of Turkey, the team will have to fulfill their conditions. For the details of the planned attack, a spaceship begins to look for various ways of access. It was also necessary to track the money that Fadi had transferred, but this was not easy at all. The team is ready to fight to the last, and they will risk their own lives in order to prevent the attack ...
