Teşkilat (The Organisation) episode 1 english subtitles
In the 1st episode of the Turkish TV series "Teşkilat" we will talk about one highly classified paramilitary team, which is located in the structure of the National Intelligence Agency. This team includes the best specialists in their field. Thanks to their skills and abilities, they manage to carry out successful operations every time, not only within their own country, but even abroad. Only no one will ever be able to admit to the implementation of such actions. Nobody will tell what serious losses they had to endure, as well as about their accomplished deeds. These soldiers are unknown to anyone. And even when they have to accept a martyr's death, no one can find out the truth that made them martyrs. The people should always know their heroes, but not from this unit. They have families of their own, but neither husband or wife knows what their loved one is actually doing. For safety reasons, they do not even know half of the colleagues from their own group. Despite this, the Motherland will always be grateful to such secret heroes who are not afraid to risk their own lives to protect the weak. Not only the business life of the special team will be shown, but also the personal ...