In the 18th episode of the Turkish TV series "Uyanış: Büyük Selçuklu," Nizamulmulk prepared an insidious trap for Hasan Sabbah, as he suspected him of treason and for this he used a secret book. Thanks to this, Nizamulmulk managed to reveal the true face of Sabbah. Senger begins to pursue Marcus, who is about to form an alliance with Faisal. Nizamulmulk came to Zyubeide-Khatun, as she was talking about some urgent matter. She began to talk about the fact that she was in the Kynyk tent and wanted to visit Senjer's mother, who is Bashulu. Zyubeide-Khatun immediately noticed how much Nizamulmulk's face changed and tense after these words. She began to ask him what happened? Most likely, he was afraid that his secret was revealed. Nizamulmulk began to explain that he had no other choice, and he was forced to do so. If he had a different path, he would undoubtedly have chosen it. He also warned Zubeide-Khatun that if she revealed this secret to someone, she would thereby expose the entire state to serious danger. Therefore, before doing this, you should think carefully about the possible consequences. The woman wants to say only what Bashulu told her about. Until now, she has never hidden anything from Melik Shah and will not do it now ...