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Ariza episode 19 english subtitles

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You settled on: season 23, episode 19
Voice acting: English
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In episode 19 of the Turkish TV series “Ariza,” when Khalide and Ali Ryza were having breakfast in their room, they were shot at. At the same moment, a car in which Khashmet was supposed to be came under fire. Only Khashmet was not inside, and instead of him there was Akhmet in the car. Khashmet knew about the assassination attempt, and he was next to Fuat. Burak received a call and said to return home, since it was over. Ali Ryza informed his family that they had won this battle and now can live in peace. Only his mother believes that the villains in this world will never end. And as soon as one leaves, the next one will immediately appear. Ali Ryza begins to demand that he bring Fuat. If he does not, he will be very sorry. Ali Ryza is asking what he is going to do in this situation now? Ali replied, whatever the way to save his loved ones, he will do everything necessary. Policemen appeared and reported that Khalida was detained and would have to go with them to the police station. Khashmet told Burak that he punished his father with his own hands. Only Burak does not intend to just give up. And whoever comes, no one can break them. He must take his father by all means ...
